This map takes a constantly updating RSS feed from the Country Fire Authority of current fire incidents. To embed this map on your website, click here and then click "Get the Code".
We've set up a dedicated page (which we are linking to from the front page of that contains the Victorian fires map with imagery and a Google News feed. It also provides a link to the Red Cross Victorian Bushfires Appeal, to which so many Australians are contributing.
Our thoughts are with the victims and their families and, like all Australians, we're in awe of the efforts of everyone involved in the rescue and relief operations.
Posted by Alan Noble, Raul Vera and Pamela Fox, Google Engineering
If you want to embed a gadget containing this map on your website, you can do so by clicking here.
We're working to incorporate additional bushfire information into the map and will let you know of any additional updates on this blog.
There's a lot of additional information on the web about the location and status of fires and road closures, and what to do to keep safe. Due to traffic load, please only visit the first three sites below if your personal safety is potentially impacted by the fires.
The teams at and have created useful My Maps on Google Maps, containing news and information about major fires and casualties.
Our thoughts go out to all those affected by this tragedy, and our thanks to the brave members of the Victorian police, Country Fire Authority and emergency services who are working so hard to save lives.
Posted by Alan Noble, Raul Vera and Pamela Fox, Google Engineering