Now, for the first time in Australia, website owners and operators can attend the
Google Analytics Seminars for Success, to be held in Sydney and Melbourne in May and June 2009. The seminars are run by online marketing consultancy Mangold Sengers, and will provide intensive professional development for individuals and teams from all types and sizes of organisations.
Day 1: Thursday 14 May 2009
Day 2: Friday 15 May 2009
Time: 9:30 am to 5:00 pm
Location: Melbourne Business School,
200 Leicester Street, Carlton
Cost: $349.00 per day (inc. GST)
Day 1: Thursday 4 June 2009
Day 2: Friday 5 June 2009
Time: 9:30 am to 5:00 pm
Location: UNSW CBD Campus, Level
6, 1 O’Connell Street, Sydney
Cost: $349.00 per day (inc. GST)
For more information go to
Posted by Shyam Govardhan, Customer Solutions Engineer