3. Extend and share business contacts
While a simple and easy to use address book is great, sometimes a business needs more structured information, like the kind you find in CRM systems. Without sacrificing the simplicity of the contacts functionality in Google Apps, users can benefit by having AffinityLive push contact details across into the "All Contacts" shared list, ensuring wider corporate knowledge is easily accessible and kept up to date.

4. Coming Soon: Docs, Wave & Gadgets
With more features being added to Google Apps all the time, we're also looking forward to adding even more benefit to our users. Google Apps provides us with opportunities include Docs integration to allow for collaborative editing of the thousands of documents produced by our clients every day; Wave integration to allow users to discuss and interact around specific projects, tasks or issues; and gadgets that appear in the user's email reading window, making it a one-click process to commence a business process based on a received email.
There are many benefits for end-users and administrators baked into AffinityLive, all made possible by the rich APIs and Marketplace functionality within Google Apps. With dozens of applications already in the marketplace, and more being launched every month, Google Apps is so much more than communication and collaboration.
AffinityLive is currently in private beta, so if you're a Google Apps user, and your business is in the professional services sector, we'd love to hear from you: just register for the beta on our homepage at
Posted by Geoff McQueen, Hiive Systems